The excitement is building as we move closer to book launch day–Sunday, February 21st–and what better way to get super jazzed than to read another stellar review from Readers’ Favorite! Check out what the reviewer has to say about LONG LEGS and TALL TALES: A Showgirl’s Wacky, Sexy Journey to the Playboy Mansion and the Radio City Rockettes below. And while you are at it, count those lovely silver stars…1, 2, 3, 4, 5! That’s some brilliant book bling!

(Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers’ Favorite)

What a fun, fun book I just finished reading, one that I simply could not put down once I started it! Long Legs and Tall Tales: A Showgirl’s Wacky, Sexy Journey to the Playboy Mansion and the Radio City Rockettes by author Kristi Lynn Davis chronicles the author’s wild and wacky adventures as she moves from being a sheltered, small town girl from the Midwest to a Radio City Rockette in the Big Apple, and then to a steamy traveling dancer with Playboy’s Girls of Rock and Roll. Relaying fun, funny and sometimes pretty amazing stories about her experiences while traveling the road as a dancer, this book will keep readers riveted from start to finish!

I loved Long Legs and Tall Tales! Loved. It. How’s that for a review? Author Kristi Lynn Davis has done a simply fabulous job at telling the story of her life as a dancer, both the glamorous and not so glamorous parts. Any reader who has wondered what it’s like to live their life in the spotlight, to meet and party with celebrities, and to travel the globe as a part of their job, will be enthralled with this book. This is also a good book for those who are looking to break into show business themselves; it provides a great insider’s look into the realities of a dancer’s life and the sometimes harsh realities of the business. I very highly recommend Long Legs and Tall Tales, and I would love to read more from the very talented, funny and engaging author Kristi Lynn Davis in the very near future!

Understandably, I give Ms. Fischer’s review a big thumbs up! But no need for you to take her word for it. Why not decide for yourself? Buy your very own copy of LONG LEGS and TALL TALES right HERE, right NOW at Maybe you’ll see stars…

Kick high! Be spectacular!
